Water Well Projects for Two IDP Camps in Afghanistan
Epek seeks to provide wholistic care to those in great need in Afghanistan.
As part of our Health and Wellness Initiative we partnered with IDES to construct major water wells to provide two IDP camp communities—more than 3,150 internally displaced families (21,000 individuals)—with access to clean water.
2020 was a difficult year for so many. The physical needs are hard to fathom in a place like Afghanistan, but the hopelessness many Afghans face is a darkness that is equally hard to imagine.
On the ground in Afghanistan, we see the faces of children, moms, families, and leaders of communities that have been in dire need. Through Epek and IDES they have received some hope. We thank IDES and our many supporters for making this possible. We just wish you could see their faces and experience their gratitude..
• More than 21k individuals (3150 families) who are internally displaced now have access to clean water
• We extended the deep well to 165 meters in Camp Q
• We added a deep well in Camp C as well as a 5000-gallon reserve tank
• Hand pumps were drilled in each camp with extension pipes to add distribution points throughout the camp
• Epek’s team connected with many families and were able to listen to their stories and needs
• Trust was built with the leaders of the communities, giving us the opportunity to build on the relationships
• The IDP community named the water project, “Living Water”
Next Steps:
Our goal is to continue to build on the relationships we’ve started, to support and help restore dignity and hope, and create a better future for those we are helping.
““I wonder if any of US could go ONE DAY without clean water?””